USA Stewards Council by District and Building

Welcome to all recently appointed stewards!

Some District contacts have changed due to COVID-related disruptions and VSIP retirements. Please direct general questions to for the “Vacant” districts. Urgent issues and or/contract-related inquiries should also include President Mary Malinowski and/or Chief Steward Dora Ramos 

DistrictStewardWorkplaceEmailBuildings in District
#1Thor HansenBerkshire Housecth@umass.eduHadley (Hadley Farm, IGS Building, Mass Venture Center, Massachusetts Bldg, Pennsylvania Bldg.), and Off-Campus (Belchertown, Mount Ida, Off Campus General, Springfield, Waltham, Wareham, Worcester) 120 Tilson Farm Road, Arnold, East Experiment Station, Furcolo Hall, Mather, Montague, Rennaisance Center, Tillson House, UMPD Police Station, Worcester, Totman
#3Phaedra Davisphaedra@grad.umass.eduConte, Goessman, Lederle GRC, Lederle Tower, Marcus, Physical Sciences Lab, West Experiment Station
#4James PoroTurf Farmjporo@umass.eduBowditch, Bus Facility, Cold Storage, Computer Science, Engineering Lab, Holdsworth, Knowles, Marston, Paige
#5Ian SedelowIntegrative Learning Centerisedelow@umass.edu350 Campus Center Way, Agricultural Engineering Bldg., Chenoweth, Flint, Physical Plant
#6Heather DeirdreW.E.B. Dubois Libraryhdeirdre@library.umass.eduCampus Center, Draper, Hasbrouck, Integrative Learning Center, Stockbridge
#7Dora RamosBoydendora@admin.umass.eduMachmer Hall, Mullins Center, Recreation Center, Student Union, Thompson, WEB DuBois Library, Wilder Hall
#8Linda FishW.E.B. Dubois Librarylfish@library.umass.eduUniversity Health Services, Hampshire Coll Health Services
#9Antonia LynchWhitmoreantonia@umass.eduDesign Building, Durfee Conservatory, Fernald, French, Integrated Science Lab, Life Sciences Laboratory, Morrill Science Center, New Africa House, Skinner Hall
#10Kyle ChambersRegistrars, Whitmorekylechambers@umass.eduBartlett Hall, Commonwealth Honors College, Dickinson Hall, Goodell, Memorial Hall, South College, Tobin
#11Chris WeeksWhitmorecrweeks@umass.edu358 North Pleasant Street, Bromery Fine Arts Center, Crotty, Gordon, Office of Global Affairs, Isenberg School of Management, Robsham Visitor's Center, Studio Arts Building
#12Camille Godbout-ChouinardW.E.B. Dubois Librarycgodboutchou@umass.eduMunson, Whitmore
#13Andrea LydickThompsonandrealydick@umass.eduArmy ROTC Bldg., Berkshire, Boyden, Curry Hicks, Hampshire, Herter, Middlesex, Thoreau, Toddler House