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Bargaining Update 12-11-24

December 11th, 2024

Where we are: Today the USA Bargaining Team presented our final two proposals to management regarding contracting out and our new 7-step salary proposal. Management brought their final proposal regarding campus closures due to inclement weather. Now that all proposals are on the table, we will begin the counterproposal and negotiations process.  

USA’s Proposals

*Click the proposal title to read it!*

Proposal 12: Article 18 Contracting Out/Temporary Employees

  • In response to the illegal privatization of Advancement, replaces the current protections with stronger, stricter language that prohibits any contracting out of bargaining unit work.
  • Establishes a joint Labor/Management Committee to:
    • Identify current CC/03 positions who are performing USA work.
    • Monitor and oversee CC/03 policies.
    • Require the university to supply USA with monthly listings of current CC/03 employees.

Proposal 15: Article 14 Salary

  • Replaces the current 14-step system with a 7-step system.
    • The NEW steps 1-6 will be the current steps 9-14.
    • The NEW step 7 will be a new step, 3% above current step 14.
  • Implements the change such that:
    • Members currently at steps 1-6 are moved to NEW steps 1-6 (current steps 9-14).
    • Members currently at step 7-14 are moved to NEW step 7, which is 3% above the current step 14.
  • Requires retroactive pay for this change back to July 1, 2024.
  • Continues the practice that any employee who is promoted, reallocated, renegotiated, or reclassified to a higher grade within USA must be moved to their same steps in the new classification or grade.
  • Codifies the state-determined parameter cost-of-living adjustments into our contract:
    • 3% in January 2025
    • 2% in July 2025
    • 2% in January 2026
    • 2% in July 2026
    • 2% in January 2027
  • Further information about this proposal:

University’s Proposals 

Proposal: Article 8 Emergency and Campus Closures

  • Changes the date by which the list of essential personnel is published from Oct 15th to Nov 15th.
  • Removes the 30-minute allowance for commute times to and from campus for essential employees that are required to work on campus during a temporary closure.
  • Requires non-essential hybrid employees with the ability to work from a remote location to work during temporary campus closures.
  • Continues the practice of non-essential employees without the ability to work from a remote location to be paid during temporary campus closures.
  • Adds new contract language to account for weather emergencies for work locations other than UMass Amherst.

Bargaining Update 12-18-24

December 18th, 2024

Where we are:Today is the first day of presenting counter proposals! USA brought a counter to the University Proposal 2, regarding the Sick Leave Bank. We also established working groups to continue to work on counters.

USA’s Counter Proposals

Counter to University Proposal 2: Article 10 Sick Leave Bank

Click here to view the original University Proposal 2.
Click here to view USA’s counter proposal.

  • First and foremost: Thank you to Sick Leave Bank Committee members Linda Hillenbrand, Rachel Lavery, and Sue Matysiewicz and the USA Health & Safety Committee for their work on this counter proposal! 
  • Our counter responds to the proposed changes from the university and makes changes to both Article 9 Leave and Article 10 Sick Leave Bank (SLB).
  • Proposed changes to Article 9 Leave:
    • Expands the definition of family members that are included in the group that members can use sick leave to care for.
    • For retiring members, removes the 10-day maximum of sick time that can be donated to the SLB.
  • Proposed changes to Article 10 Sick Leave Bank:
    • Allow new hires to access the SLB as soon as they are hired, instead of after they have completed the probationary period (6 months).
    • Adds new language proposing that the university establishes an electronic tracking system to streamline the SLB donation process for members and replace the current method of submitting a PDF application.
    • Accepts the university’s proposed change to specify October as the month where members may voluntarily donate to the SLB, which has been past practice.
    • Rejects the university’s proposed limit of 10 days as the amount that members may voluntary donate to the SLB.
    • Proposes a procedure to recover the SLB when it drops below 1500 and 1000 hours.
      • If below 1500 hours, each member will be asked to make a voluntary donation.
      • If below 1000 hours, each member will contribute 1 day of sick time.
        • Members who have donated 2 days or more in the last 6 months will be exempt.
        • Members with less than 11 days of accrued sick leave will be exempt.
    • Allow members to retain personal time when utilizing the SLB.
      • Currently, personal leave is included in the leave that is taken by SLB when a member uses it.
      • Current practice causes members using SLB in January (when personal time is awarded) to lose their personal time before they have the chance to use it.
      • For example, a member using SLB in January will have had much less time to use personal time when compared to a member using the SLB in July.
    • Increases the maximum amount of SLB which can be used for a member’s family member to 90 calendar days, equal to the amount which can be used for the member.
      • This rejects the university’s proposal to increase the amount of the SLB that can be used by members to care for family from 2 weeks to 4 weeks.
    • Changes language defining eligible family members for which members can use SLB to care for, aligning with the changes we proposed in Article 9.

University’s Counter Proposals 

The university presented no counters.


Bargaining Update 01-15-25

January 15th, 2025

Where we are: Today we continued the process of presenting our counter proposals and brought questions to management regarding their proposals. USA brought a counter to the University General Proposal on Article 7. Management informally countered USA Proposal 14: Farm Superintendent Reclassification. USA also brought questions to management to inform our future counters.

USA’s Counter Proposals

Counter to University Proposal for Article 7: Anti-Discrimination, Affirmative Action, and Conflict of Interest

Click here to view the original University Proposal for Article 7.
Click here to view USA’s counter proposal.

  • Management’s original proposal would limit avenues for addressing discrimination to one; any additional avenues of addressing the discrimination would not be acknowledged.
    • For example, if a member chose to use the UMass grievance process to address the discrimination they experienced, they would no longer be able to use the MA Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) in addition, and vice versa.
  • Our counterproposal further expands the list of protected classes to include all current and potential future protected groups, and rejects their proposal to limit avenues for addressing discrimination.

University’s Counter Proposals 

The university informally countered USA Proposal 14: Farm Superintendent Reclassification by offering to set up a joint labor/management committee and did not address the proposal directly. This is informal because it was not introduced in writing.

Questions and Discussion

USA Question on University Proposal 9: Article 29 Employee Evaluations

Q: What were the Affirmative Action goals and why were they removed?

A: This was an unintentional omission, this proposal is an attempt to be consistent across campus.

USA Question on University Proposal 4: Article 17 Vacancies and Promotions

Q: Do you know how often an employee is dismissed during their probationary period?

A: Less than once a year.

Q: (Section 5 Trial Period) What is the rationale behind removing “this matter may be a proper subject for the Grievance procedure?”

A: The rationale is that removing this line would prevent possible pitting members against other members if the dept is holding the prior position open in case the employee reverts to their former position.

Q: (Section 7) What is the rationale for removing CC and replacing it with temporary?

A: Replacing CC/03, which is an antiquated term, with temporary/03.

Q: (Section 7) Does management have a term used to describe members in grant-funded positions?

A: No.

Q: (Section 8) What is the rationale behind changing the amount of years that a temporary employee can complete their term of appointment without being deemed “laid off” from 3 to 2 years? (Context: This affects whether or not a person can apply to a position as an on-campus or off-campus candidate.)

A: “Absolutely no idea.”

In case you missed it…

Have you heard about USA’s ambitious salary proposal that would change our 14-step system to a 7-step system? It has the potential to change many members’ wages to a living wage! Check out more info below…

Bargaining Update 11-20-24

November 20th, 2024

Where we are:The final day to bring new proposals to the bargaining table has been changed to the next meeting, which is scheduled for December 11th 9-11am. USA presented five proposals. Management did not present, but we anticipate a final proposal and counter from them at the next meeting. Please see below for information about the proposals and bookmark our Bargaining Headquarters to stay informed!

USA’s Proposals

Proposal 10: Article 9 Leave

  • Increases sick leave from 12 days to 14 days per year. 
  • Increases bereavement leave from 5 days to 10 days and expands what relationships the leave can be used for. 
  • Consolidates Maternity and Adoptive, Parental, and Family Leave sections into one Family Leave section. 
  • Clarifies family leave language to reflect changes in state laws. 
  • Increases unpaid family leave from 8 weeks to 12 weeks, which can be requested after paid family leave is used. 
  • Link: Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) overview and benefits |

Proposal 11: Article 17 Vacancies and Promotions

  • Prevents a change in an employee’s anniversary date when their grade or step changes. 

Proposal 12: Article 18 Contracting Out (Postponed to 12/11 Meeting)

Proposal 13: Seniority & Steps

  • Increase timeframe for employees to retain their previous seniority from 2 years to 3 years when returning to work. 
  • Seniority can be reinstated under certain conditions such as returning to work following an illness or a layoff. 

Proposal 14: Farm Superintendent

  • Increases pay grade from 16 to 20 to reflect pay rates at similar job titles across UMass campuses. 
  • Note: The process for re-grading a position is typically resolved in meetings between USA and management, and not brought to the bargaining table. In this case, management compelled us to bring it to the bargaining table. Re-grading is different from the reclassification process for individual positions, which can be found here.

Proposal 15: Salary Proposal (Postponed to 12/11 Meeting)

  • We will be holding informational membership meetings about this proposal on Tue 12/3 and Wed 12/4 12-1 on Zoom. Outlook invite forthcoming.

Proposal 16: Artificial Intelligence (New Article)

  • Ensures AI will be used to augment bargaining unit members’ work instead of replacing bargaining unit work. 
  • Requires that any new AI programs be evaluated for efficiency, cost effectiveness, accuracy, and impact on the working conditions of bargaining unit employees.

Involves bargaining unit members in the implementation of AI tools and requires training on AI to be provided. 

University’s Proposals

Management did not bring any proposals. They will be bringing their final proposals to the next bargaining session on December 11, 2024.

Bargaining Update 11-06-24

November 6th, 2024

Where we are: The USA Bargaining Team and management continued to present proposals. Our next bargaining session on 11/20 will be the last meeting we can present new proposals, per our Ground Rules. Once all proposals have been presented, we will move on to constructing counter proposals and start negotiating these proposals with management. Please see below for information about the proposals and bookmark our Bargaining Headquarters to stay informed! 

USA’s Proposals

Proposal 7: Article 19, Out-of-Title Work  

  • Increases pay rate for an employee who is directed by their supervisor to perform duties handled by a member of a different bargaining unit from $15 per day to 1.5 times the employee’s regular pay rate 

Proposal 8: Article 11, Vacation Time  

  • Increases the annual vacation time accrual for USA members based on years of service: 
    • New hire – 5 years: 20 days per year  
    • 5 – 10 years: 21 days per year  
    • 10 – 19.5 years: 22 days per year  
    • 19.5 – 30 years: 25 days per year  
    • 30 years or more: 30 days per year  

Proposal 9: Article 14, Dedicated Service Recognition  

  • Reduces the years of service required to receive recognition from the University and increases the compensation payout as follows: 
    • 1.75% increase to base bay at 10 years of service.   
    • 3% increase to base pay at 15 years, and every 5 years thereafter. 
University’s Proposals 

The USA Bargaining Team are assessing the implications of the University’s proposals and will provide additional information in the future. In the meantime, the proposals will be posted on the USA Bargaining Headquarters for you to read. Keep in mind that these proposals are initial drafts and will change as bargaining proceeds. Nothing is final until the USA membership votes to ratify the contract.

University Proposal 1, 2024-2027 Wage Parameters  

  • Note: Parameters are the shorthand term we use to refer to the salary increases that are set by the Governor for all statewide public unions. Essentially, they determine how much money from the state budget will be put towards wage increases in our contracts.
  • Management’s proposal presents the parameters set by the Governor: 
    • 0% in July 2024 
    • 3% in January 2025 
    • 2% increase every 6 months thereafter until January 2027 
    • 11% total over the life of the contract 
    • Prohibits the $200 per full-time employee Adjustment Pool being used to increase salary rates and classification increases 

University Proposal 8: Article 26 Disciplinary Action

  • Aims to unify disciplinary procedures for staff unions 
  • More information forthcoming

University Proposal 9: Article 29 Employee Evaluation  

  • Removed a lot of current language and added new language.
  • Changed time frame of giving evaluations.
  • Added employees may receive disciplinary action if an evaluation may be less than “meets expectations”.
  • Remove employees may “grieve” an evaluation if it results in negative action.

Edits to Article 8 Workweek and Work Schedules (Version 1)  

Edits to Article 8 Workweek and Work Schedules (Version 2)

  • Changes in this article and Article 17B & 17D with the two versions by removing and/or reformatting the articles.
  • Change of an employee who has had an involuntary change of their work location/work site, the employee is given ten (10) days’ notice instead of thirty (30) days’ notice.

General Proposal: Article 27 Grievance and Arbitration Procedure

  • Management replaced this whole article, bargaining team needs to review with current language.