Context for the bargaining process: We are currently receiving and reviewing management’s proposals, as well as preparing and presenting our proposals. We focus on our initial position in bargaining until all our proposals are on the table. Once everything is on the table from both sides, we’ll shift focus to countering and negotiating all proposals.
Management brought four proposals to present:
Proposal #1: Article 8, Workweek and Work Schedules
Management stated that their goal is to implement time clocks in Administration & Finance for USA members
The proposal brought forward completely removes the current language and gives management the ability to implement time clocks across campus, not just for Administration & Finance USA members
Proposal #2: Article 10, Sick Leave Bank (SLB)
Set October as the official month for SLB donations and enrollment
Limit member donations to SLB to 10 days per year
Increase initial family leave from the SLB from 2 weeks to 4 weeks
Note: USA Bargaining team has a comprehensive SLB proposal that will be presented in the future.
Skipping Proposal #3, management will present this proposal at a later date
Proposal #4: Article 17, Vacancies and Promotions
Decrease period to apply internally to positions from 7 business days to 7 calendar days
OR limit notifications of the vacancy to USA members in the Major Budgetary Unit (MBU) of the vacant position and accept applications for no less than 10 business days
Additional info: This MBU promotion language would make it easier for USA members to get the position, but limits who could be considered to only USA members in the MBU. It also does not guarantee that the MBU will use the internal job posting process for USA positions.
Seeks to limit the number of people who can grieve when bypassed for a position when they met qualifications and had seniority
Seeks to remove employees’ right to grieve if they are returned to a position involuntarily after promotion
General Proposal (management did not number this proposal)
Change all pronouns to gender neutral ‘they’, which is a process that started during the last round of bargaining
Change all mentions of “Form 30” to “position description”
The USA Bargaining team will bring questions to management at the next meeting for further clarification on their proposals
USA brought forth a proposal for Article 16, Health and Welfare
Increase the employer’s contribution to the Health & Welfare Fund from $16.50 per week per full-time employee to $22.50 per week per full-time employee (These are the funds that pay for dental insurance)
Ensure University would agree to facilitate and expedite the process of combining MTA Health & Welfare Fund with another fund, if that were to happen
Management had no immediate questions but will follow-up at the next meeting
Additional info: This Health and Welfare proposal is being brought to the table by MSP (Mass. Society of Professors) and several other Massachusetts Teachers Association Higher Ed locals. Bringing proposals to the bargaining table in coalition with other unions presents a unified front to management and strengthens our position at the table.
Action Items
The next bargaining meeting with management is 10/23/24. Join us as a Silent Bargaining Representative! Fill out the SBR form here.
If you were an SBR at the 10/9/24 meeting, please fill out the SBR feedback form.
Contact Sheila Gilmour ( to join a team organizing around the Kronos time clock issue (see Proposal #1 from management)